miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

Heroes - [Trailer] 3ra Temporada

Héroes... una serie que me absorbió por completo... y pude verla en 3 días lo que no había podido verla en meses...
Así que nbc nos hace entrega...
El 22 de septiembre de 2008...
Héroes: III temporada: Villains.
"In every hero there could be a villain"
Regresa Sylar, ahora tiene compañía...
Hay madres malas hasta el tuétano!
Hay un nivel 5 (a.k.a. nivel 31.1 como en Smallville)
Sólo hay 2 opciones... ser bueno, o ser malo. Cual eliges?
Parece traer mucho suspenso violento :)

Sin más preludios, aquí un par de videos:

video 1. link. 2:28 minutos.

video 2. 1:00 minuto.

Un texto adicional que encontré como descripción en youtube:
Season three will open with a two-hour episode, set to air Monday, September 22, 2008. The premiere of the third volume, "Villains", will be preceded by a one-hour clip show of the past two seasons. "Villains" was originally designed to be included within the second season; however, due to the writers' strike, the volume was carried over into season three. The lead-in to "Villains" featured a scene with Sylar, which was shown as the final scene of the "Generations" finale. Throughout Volume Two, Sylar's powers were suppressed by the Shanti virus. After using a cure, procured from Mohinder Suresh, he regained his abilities, delivering the first lines of Volume Three, "Villains": "I'm back."

Tim Kring has claimed that the new volume will bring a cadre of villains to the show, hence the title. On December 5, 2007 at the Jules Verne Film Festival Adventure, Tim Kring showed a video-preview of volume three. According to an interview with Allan Arkush, filming for season three began on May 1, 2008. On May 9, 2008 a season three promo clip was released with hints at possible "inner villains" within the heroes.

The promo stated, "In every hero there could be a villain," before plastering the words "hero" and "villain" over the face of every major character. The characters Nathan and Niki, whose fates were unclear at the end of the second season, were featured in the promo. Finally, at the featured Heroes panel, the entire first hour of the first episode of the Villains arc was shown in it's entirety. In July NBC began airing a teaser for season three featuring Noah Bennet talking to Claire stating, "This was before you were even born, I was finding these people and locking them away so that they couldn't hurt anybody. Now a dozen of them have escaped, and they will kill...and they will terrorize...and they will cause...unimaginable destruction to the world...they're villains, Claire," while a montage of clips play showing the results of what of each of the events Noah is speaking of. Zachary Quinto, who plays Sylar, has stated that the Villains story arc will last for thirteen episodes. At the San Diego Comic Con 2008, the booth for Heroes displayed two separate looping tracks of two people in completely white rooms. One strained against his restraints, while the other paced around the room. These may be upcoming characters, presumably two of the villains mentioned in the title.

In addition, Kring screened the first part of the season opening episode of the "Villians" arc, entitled "The Second Coming," which was shown in its entirety at Comic-Con and received a positive response from fans.

En resumen:

La tercera temporada será abierta con un capitulo de 2 horas, el lunes 22 de septiembre de 2008.
con "Villains" tenían planeado incorporarla en la segunda temporada, pero la huelga de guionistas canceló estos planes.

La primera frase de Sylar en el volumen 3 es: "I'm back" o "Estoy de regreso", puesto que

También en el video Noah Bennet le dice a Claire:
"This was before you were even born, I was finding these people and locking them away so that they couldn't hurt anybody. Now a dozen of them have escaped, and they will kill...and they will terrorize...and they will cause...unimaginable destruction to the world...they're villains, Claire"
Es decir:
"Esto fue antes de que nacieras, estuve buscando esta gente y encerrándoles para que no pudieran hacerle daño a nadie. Pero ahora, 12 de ellos han escapado, y ellos matarán... aterrorizarán... y van a causar... inimaginable destrucción en el mundo... Ellos son malos, Claire."

No puedo esperar más para que empiece la 3ra temporada :(
Pero, lo mejor de todo, está aquí:
googleando, encontré éste link que pongo como bonus:
El enlace oficial para descargar gratis los capítulos de la serie HEROES, 1ra y 2da temporada.
Es éste de aquí. Aquí. (Pensé que sí era oficial) :(

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